In the aftermath of their arrest, the Gadhafi couple filed a civil suit against the Geneva police. 卡扎菲的儿子儿媳被逮捕后,这对夫妇对日内瓦警方提出了民事诉讼。
The case was dropped when his accuser refused to testify, but the former league MVP admitted being unfaithful to his wife and settled a civil suit filed by the woman. 03年的性侵案件后来因为原告拒绝出席作证而不了了之,但这位联盟前MVP承认对妻子不忠,与该女性以民事诉讼私下解决。
In the United States, two California district attorneys have filed a civil suit against the company, charging that Uber misled consumers about the methods it uses to screen its drivers. 在美国,加州的两名地方检察官对Uber提起了民事诉讼,指控该公司在司机筛选方法上对消费者进行误导。
It is the first time tobacco companies have gone to trial in a civil suit in Canada. 这是烟草公司首次在加拿大成为民事诉讼的被告。
I think you should drop your civil suit. 我认为你应该撤回你的诉讼。
Damage, injury, or a wrongful act done willfully, negligently, or in circumstances involving strict liability, but not involving breach of contract, for which a civil suit can be brought. 侵权行为故意或过失进行造成损害、伤害或非法的行为,或虽未违反协议,但涉及严重责任,它可以引起民事诉讼。
To start a civil suit the plaintiff first picks the proper court, one the has jurisdiction in the case. 原告要提起民事诉讼,首先要找到对该案件有管辖权的恰当的法院。
The alleged events between 1998 and 2002 have prompted not just the criminal case, due to be heard in August, but also a civil suit. 据称上述事件发生在1998年至2002年期间,引发的不仅是这宗定于8月庭审的刑事案件,还有一起民事诉讼。
On the Perplexities in the Practice of Civil Suit Collateral to Criminal Proceedings 刑事附带民事诉讼的实践困惑与制度完善
For the disabled who are unable to file a civil suit, the law stipulates requirements for their qualified guardians. 对无民事行为能力的残疾人,法律规定了合格监护人的条件。
When the domiciles and regular abodes of several defendants in the same civil suit come under the jurisdiction of two or more people's courts, they all have the right of jurisdiction. 同一诉讼的几个被告住所地、经常居住地在两个以上人民法院辖区的,各该人民法院都有管辖权。
Prosecutors have said they will decide whether to sue the other six foundations after assessing progress of the initial civil suit. 检察官表示,在对这起民事诉讼的进展进行评估后,他们将决定是否起诉苏哈托的另外6家基金会。
Civil suit retrial program is a special relief program in civil disputes. 民事再审程序是民事纠纷的特殊的救济程序。
Research About Several Problems For Reforming System Of Civil Suit Collateral To Criminal Proceedings 改革刑事附带民事诉讼制度若干问题研究
On the judicial review of the administrative subordinate conflict in the civil suit 论民事诉讼中行政附属问题之司法审查
Favourable precedent could help the company's civil suit against Intel set for trial in Delaware next March. 对AMD有利的先例,可能有助于该公司对英特尔提起的民事诉讼将于明年3月在特拉华州审理。
And setting yourself up for one hell of a civil suit besides. 还会惹上一大堆民事诉讼。
The US Security and Exchange Commission's civil suit against Goldman Sachs will be vigorously contested by the defendant. 美国证交会(SEC)对高盛(GoldmanSachs)提起的民事诉讼,将遭到被告人的有力抗辩。
Reconsideration on the Appeal Systems in Civil Suit in China from Constitutional Perspective 宪政背景下我国民事申诉制度之检讨
Significance of conceptual definition to the revision and consummation of civil suit law 概念界定在民事诉讼法修改和完善中的意义
The civil suit accuses Merck of hiding information about the seriousness of the risks of heart attacks and strokes for patients taking Vioxx. 民事诉讼控告默克公司向服用万络的患者隐瞒了药物致心脏病发作及中风危险的严重性的信息。
For instance, a person whose drunken driving causes the death of another may force both a criminal prosecution by the state and a civil suit for damages by the survivors of the victim. 比如,一个人酒后驾车,导致他人的死亡,他将面临国家刑事检察官的起诉和面向尚存者的民事损害赔偿诉讼。
Conflict and Coordination of Administrative Law-Executing of Intellectual Property Right and Civil Suit Law& From the Angle of Tort Relief of Intellectual Property Right 知识产权行政执法与民事诉讼的冲突与协调&以知识产权侵权救济为视角
Admission is an action of the accused in civil suit as well as a right of party. 认诺是指民事诉讼中被告对原告的诉讼请求予以承认的一种诉讼行为,它同时也是当事人的一项权利。
The civil suit has great value and significance in the theory, system and practice of civil action. 民事之诉问题在民事诉讼理论和制度上及实务中均具有重大的价值和意义。
The content includes some principles and methods about the civil suit of public benefit. 主要内容是建立我国民事公益诉讼制度当中的一些原则和方法。
The prior execution in civil suit collateral to criminal proceedings has many shortcomings in the theory and the practice. 刑事附带民事诉讼先予执行制度在理论和实践中存在着诸多弊端。
In recent years, to our country the system of civil suit collateral questioned continuously. 近年来,对我国附带民事诉讼制度的质疑之声不断。